Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 9

The Hon:ble Liev.t Governor acquainted the board that his Excellency Gen:1 Philipps having advice that the French Inhabitants of this river are cutting a road from this river to Meniss, wch giueshim suspicion that they design by it, either to molest thisplace, or to driue off their Cattle & carry their effects from hence by that way in order to settle in a body either there or hignecto1 and stand in defyance of the Goverment.


     Advised & Agreed
     That His Excellency be desired to send his Special. to the french Inhabitants of this river & Miniss, not to cut any such road, without having his Excellency's leaue in writeing: That the s.d Order be drawne up to be presented to His Excellency to signe & approue off That the Hon:ble Liev.t Gov:or Maj.o Lawrence Armstrong, Maj.o Paul Mascarene & Cyprian Southack Esq be the Comittee to draw up sd [13]

Advised that an order be sent to ye French not to cut a road from this river to Minis

     At a Council held at the Hon:ble Liev.t Gov:es house in His Majties Garrison of Annapolis royal upon Thursday the 19th May 1720 —

His Excellency the General
The Hon:ble Liev.t Governor
Maj. Lawrence Armstrong
Maj. Paul Mascarene
The Rev.d John Harrison Esq
Cyprian Southack Esq
Arthur Savage Esq
John Adams Esq
Hibbert Newton Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq

     His Excellencency comunicated to the board that yesterday he had received several letters from Miniss vizt One from y:e Inhabitants there one from Felix's (a Popish Priest there) of the 25:th Instant N.S. and one from John Adams Esq one of his Majties Council for this Province of the 14th Instante. all which were read.
several Letters from Meniss read.


     His Excellency acquain:d the Board, That yesterday he had sent an Ord:e by an Officer of this Garrison, to the French InhabItants of this river & Minis to desist cutting a road from this river to Miniss [14]

1. for "at Chignecto"?

&c the Gen.ll inform ye board he had sent an Order to Miniss&c to forbear cutting any road —


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