Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  Nova Scotia Archives.

At a Council held at the Hon:ble Liev.t Gov:rs house in His Majties Garrison of Annapolis royal upon Wednesday the 11th May 1720.

His Excellency the General
The Hon:ble Liev.t Gov.r
Paul Mascarene Esq
John Harrison Esq
Cyprian Southack Esq
Arthur Savage Esq
John Adams Esq
Hibbert Newton Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq
The French Letters read

     A letter from the French Inhabitants of this river to his Excellency the General dated the 20th Instant. N. S. in answer to His Excellency's Order to them to chuse two other representatives in lieu of Prudent Robicheax and Nicholas Gautier who was objected against was Read
Order's no answeer in writeing to be return'd

     Advised and agreed
     That no answer in writeing be return'dto said Letter, but that the French Inhabitants be verbally acquainted that their non-Complyance wth his Excellency's Order hath put it out of his Power to adjust the matters they petition for in sd. Letter by reason of their obstinately refuseing to send proper persons to act fur them, and therefore he leaues them to His * * * Proclamation.
Ar Savage Secry.


     Advisd & agreed
     That it is for his Majties service that means be found out to send to LaHaue for Mons.r Patipaw * * * with all expedition who tis thought may be of great use and service to this Goverment in the present circumstances of affaires, and that M.r John Broadstreet a Volunteer in this * * * * Garrison, is thought the most proper person to send on that Expedition [12]

At a Council held at the Hon:ble Liev.t Governn:'s house in His Majties Garrison of Annapolis royal upon Tuesday the 17th May 1720 —

The Hon.ble Liev.t Governor. President
Lawrence Armstrong Esq
Paul Mascarene Esq
John Harrison Esq
Cyprian Southack Esq
Arthur Savage Esq
John Adams Esq
Hibbert Newton Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq


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