Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Original Indexes—Index A. 375

319 mr Mitchels Deputation as surveyor ordered to be Registred, and William Haw's petition for a plott of Ground
320 The Inhabitants petition for having their Church Removed &c
321 The White-House-feild secured for the use of the Governor in Cheif for the time being for Ever
322 Goat Island Granted in favour of mr Vane
323 The Governors answer to the Inhabitants in Relation to their Church and preist approv'd off
324 Methods propos'd to Reduce the ffrench Inhabitants to obedience
325 Governor Cosbys letter in Relation to the Marquise's Contract for a plott of Ground
326 order for the Inhabitants of this River to pay their quitt Rent to his Majesty, and order for preventing the loss of Sheep &c
327 Gautiers information against Raymond and Meuse laid before the Board
331 Raymond and Meuse order'd to be Whipt
332 Magdalene and Charles King's Petition for plotts of Ground Granted
333 *Depuis and the IeBlancs Petitions in Relation to lands in dispute with their Neighbours laid before the Board
334 The Le Blancs imprisoned and the Deputys of Menis ordered to Appear before the Council
335 Boumons petition for a plott of Ground Granted, as also the Request of the Le Blancs praying liberty for one of them to Go to Menis
337 Mr Winniets Answer to the Constable, The State of Col Dunbars settlements led before the Board, and Mrs Belisles petition for Rents &c
338 John Duons Examination in Relation to the paper affix'd at the Mass House & his Reflections on the English Government
342 Le Blancs affair upon his Return from Menis taken into Consideration


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