Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 329

the Confessions of the partys Accused Upon An Examination thereon Made by Willm Shirreff, Erasmus James Philipps Esquires And to Advise him what he must further do therein that the Complainant may have justice done him

     The petitions of the Complainant with ye Govrs Order to the Constable to Search for Stollen Goods And Order to the above Named Gentlemen to Examine into the truth of the petitioners against Peter Goun, Jermine Doucett and Peter Pino being Read, the prisoners sent for and being Againe Examined by the Board they all Confessed And Acknowledged what is Sett forth in their Respective Confessions Made on Saturday the 20th Inst but would make no further Declaration or Discovery of the Other Goods that Were lost


     Whereupon the Board Considering that the Partys [423] Partys Accused had Confessed their sevl Thefts as aforesd before the Board, Agreed

     That Peter Guon the spainard should Receive fifty Stripes Peter Goun at the Carts upon his bare Back, from the Mass house to the Cape; And be also bound for the Space and term of three Years to serve him the said Stephen Jones or Assignes towards Recompencing his Other Losses, Costs and Dammages Sustained through the Thefts of him the said Peter Goun to Commence from the Expiration of the time that the said Peter Goun hath Engaged to Serve John Stickney Marriner of ffalmouth in Casco Bay in New England, Provided he the said John Stickney Will not Redeem him the Said Peter Goun by paying unto him the Said Stephen Jones the proportion of Dammages Amounting to fifty six pounds New England money And then Adjourned till 3 o' the Clock at the Secretarys Office P: M.
Peter Goun Ordered to be Whipt.

     Munday the 22d of December 1735 at 3 o' the Clock P: M. the same members being mett According to Agreement And the former Minute of this Day being Again Read and Approved of, the Board proceeded to Consider what punishment or fines Should be Inflicted Upon Jermain Doucett &


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