Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  328  Nova Scotia Archives.

Majestys terms, and that therefore he must give them One hundred thousand Acres in each place in order to erect Townships as his Majty by his Instructions hath required, & according to Mr Harts proposal to Settle One Hundred protestants
Sam.l Donnell Junior Capt Jno Jephson &c Struck out of the List and Others put in.

     He also aquainted the Board that as he had Struck out of the List, Saml Donnell Junr Captn Jno Jephson, Rene Ie Blanc & Bernard Le Blanc, he had put in their places Mr John Dyson, Mr Robt Beaden, Mr Edward How & Mr Willm Winniet in order to keep up the number of 36, and the Board being therewith Satisfied, His Honr gave Orders to the Secretary to prepare the Patents, which the Gentn said they would Accept upon the terms of his Majestys Instructions
The Names of the Townships

     Then His Honr with ye Board proceeded to give Names to the Peninsula & to these tracts now to be Granted; and agreed that the peninsula should be called Norfolk, & the township to be Settled there Norwich in the Said County of Norfolk

     And that the Tract or Township to be Settled at Piziguet should be called Harrington in the parish of Harrington
(blank for signature)      [422]


     At a Council held by Order of the Honourable Lieut Governor Lawrence Armstrong Esquire at his Own house in His Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on Munday the 22d of December 1735

John Adams Esq
Will : Skene Esq
Will : Shirreff Secretary
Eras : Ja.s Philipps Esq

Otho Hamilton Esq
Stephen Jones Complaining Goune Doucett & Pino for Theft &ca.

     The Secretary Acquainted the Board that he was Directed by his Honr the Lieut Governor of the Province to present them with his service and to lett them know that he was so much Indisposed that he Could not be present at the Board And Did therefore Recommend to their Consideration the State of Stephen Jones's Case as set forth in his petitions And


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