Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 327

     Then the Constable aquainted the Board that Captn Henry Daniel, Captn Peter Blin & Captn Nathl Donnell Junr desired to speak with His Honour at the Board, who being admitted they also delivered in a paper which Mr Secretary delivered to His Honour at the Board, & having also privitely perused the Same He gave them the same Answer, & said that he would send their petitions home, & told them that they had not as yet made any proposals for Settling said lands; To which they replyed that they were willing as represented in their Memorial to Comply with his Majestys Instructions
Cap.t Henry Daniel Cap.t Peter Blin & Capt. Nath.l Donnell desire to be heard at the Board

The Governors ans.r

     The Gentlemen being withdrawn Mr Secretary ask'd His Honour whether he would have the afore mentioned scrawl of the patent read His Honour Answered, that as he did not now intend to give ye Grant, there was no necessity of reading it at present, & only desired a copy thereof, & of that for the Coliary to be sent Home
(blank for signature)

Copys Intended to be sent home.

     At a Council held by order of the Honble Lieut Govr Lawrence Armstrong at His own House in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royal On Thursday the 13th Novr 1735 at 10 a Clock A: 11:

The Hon:ble the Lieut Govr of the Province
John Adams Esq
Will : Skene Esq
Will : Shirreff Secretary
Henry Cope Esq
Eras : Ja.s Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
His [421]


     His Honour aquainted the Board that having had two Scrawls of Grants from Mr Secretary vizt One for Lands to be granted at Chiconito & the other for lands to be also granted at Menis or Piziguet, which having perused he thought it Necessary to lay before the Board for their consideration that the same might be amended if need require in order to draw the patent
Scrawl Patents for Lands at Chiconecto and Mines Laid before the Board.

     And he also aquainted the Gentn that he expected & doubted not but that they would accept thereof upon His


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