Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  320  Nova Scotia Archives.

     The partys being called, the petition read, and the reasons on both sides being heard & Considered

     The Board were of Opinion, that the Defendants vizt John Bapt Godet &Peter Godet should put their Sister Elizabeth into the possession of her proportion & just Share of the Inheritance left by their said Deceased Father
the Boards Opinion therein.

     Ordered that the said deffendants do Immediately put their said Sister into the quiet possession of the share both moveable & immoveable Estate left by their said Deceased ffather John Godet & that they shall give Security for the true performance of the same, & good behaviour towards their said Sister

     Agreed that an order be sent to the Deputys of Piziguet to see that the same be punctually done
L : Armstrong

     At a Committee of Council held by order of the Honble Lieut Govr Armstrong at Menis In his Majestys Province of Nova Scotia, on Saturday the 26th April 1735 at 3 o’ the Clock P. M.

The Hon:ble the Lt. Governor of the Province
Will : Skene Esq
Will : Shirreff Secretary

Otho Hamilton Esq
the Dispute between René Blanchard & Celestine &ca in relation to Some land.

     René Blanchard of Menis having presented his Honour between René Blanchard with a petition complaining that Anthoine Celestine, Claud Babin & their Asociates had trepassed upon his Ground; at the same time praying redress, which, with the said Celestine & Babin’s answr to the same being also laid before the Board & read. The partys Called, their reasons heard & Considered, as also a plan of the Land & road Examined

     The Board agreed as by the plan their difference could not easily understood, That the Secretary should write an order to four of the Deputys to choose four of the Antient Indifferent Inhabitants of the Grand Pré in order to go upon


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