Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 319

Menis April the 19th 1735

     The Gentlemen of the Committee being Called Monsr Pierre Ie Blanc presented a petition setting forth how he had through compassion to Philipp Melanson when sued by his Brother René Le Blanc, engaged & became Surety for him the said Melanson in the sum of one thousand three hundred & two Livrs for which being pressed by his said Brother René he had actually paid the said Sum, The said Melanson having absolutely refused notwithstanding of his Engagement; And therefore prayed His Honour while here on on the Spot would take his Case into Consideration, & give his Necessary orders & assistance whereby he may be Enabled to recover the said sum from the said Melanson for the support of his family &ca as upon file
In relation to Peter Le Blancs being Surety for Philip Melanson.

     Which being Read & Considered, & an Order thereupon Issued to said Melanson to Appear before the Govr & Committee of Council on Monday the 21st Inst to show Cause for not paying & discharging his Bail according to Obligation
L : Armstrong [412]

Menis April 21st 1735

     The Board being Sett His Honour & the same Members of the Committee being present, Monsr Pierre Ie Blanc having represented to the Govr & Committee of Council that Philipp Melanson upon the order sent him had considered the case, & had therefore paid the money & put an end to the dispute
L : Armstrong
the Agreem.t made up between the two fore-going Partys.

Menis April the 24th 1735

     The Gentlemen being Called & Sett, Eliztt Godet having presented His Honour with a petition Complaining against her two brothers supported by her Mother, for depriving her of her share & proportion of the Land & moveables left by her deceased ffather John Godet of Piziguet
Elizabeth Godets Complaint in Relat.n to the Land & moveables left her by her ffath.


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