Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  294  Nova Scotia Archives.
the Amount of the Seignr.ll Rents

the Boards Opinion Directing that the Rents may be Reduced to money And that such are not as yet p.d may be paid and that the Rent gatherers Acco.ts may be Examined by a Commity of Council.

     Prudane Robichaux's Accot Amounting to forty one Buslls And Seven Eights of Wheat fiffty six ffowles four Partridges five shill & ten pence Cash on Accot of Rent; and Two pounds thirteen Shillings for fines of Alienation, being Read: As also that of John Duon's, Amounting to Eighty Busll ¼ Busll of Wheat and Sixpence for Fines of Alienation: The Board Are of Opinion that the Governor should give his Receipt for the sum And Quantity of the sevl pecies he had Recd from ye Rent-gatherers And in the State of Accotts to be Transmitted to be Only Charged Accordingly And that Such of the Rents as are out standing may be paid in And Placed to Accot As soon as possible And That the said Rents may be Reduced to Money Vizt by Reckoning the Wheat at 50d Hens at 18d Pullets at 5d artridges at 5d the present Currant prices of these Species Amongest the Inhabitants And not According to the price they went at formerly in time of the ffrench Vizt ye Wheat at 40d And Hens at 10d asper Report thereof Made by Mr Duon


     Order'd that an Order be sent to the Richards of Beauprée Renny fforest And James Gerroir & Such [381] Such others as had not paid their Rents to Appear before the Council to Show Cause why they do not pay As the Other Inhabitants have Done Conformable to the Governors Order

     Order'd that a Comity of Council be Appointed to Examine the Rent-gatherers Accotts And Compare them with the Minutes taken of the Contracts in the Secretarys Office And the State Mr Secretary has made of the Same

     Order'd that William Shirreff, Major Henry Cope, Erasmus James Philipps and Otho Hamilton Esqrs be the Members of yt Comity
L : Armstrong

     At a Council held at the same place on Wednesday the 10th Day of April 173¾ at 10 o' the Clock A. M.


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