Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 287

     The Plaintiff being Called, As Also John Duon who Appeared for the Defendant, The Petition was Read As Also the Agreement for the land, and the plaintiff being Asked how he Could Support his allegations, he answered that his witnesses being Employed in their harvest, they Could not at this time attend, Whereupon the Committee Dismissed the Partys till the plaintiff Could produce his witnesses, and Directed the Defendant to Attend at the Same time Both partys being willing So to do
L : Armstrong

     At a Committee of Council held by Order and at the place aforesaid upon Munday the 27th of August 1733

William Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Henry Cope Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq


     The Secretary laid before the Committee a Petition from Anne Doucett, praying Satisfaction for Damages Sustained, by the Cattle of Lewis Tiboe [370] Tiboe Breaking down her fences & Destroying the Wheat &c

Ann Doucetts Petition against Lewis Tiber

     The partys being Called, The Petition Read, Their Respective allegations and witnesses Examined

     Agreed, as the plantiff Could not positively prove that it was the Defendant's Bullocks that did the Damage but only presumptously, through the badness of their former character, That the Defendant Should Either Dispose of his Bullocks or otherways Secure them from breaking ffences or be lyable to all Dammage that may happen hereafter by the Cattle in the Neighbourhood; and that the Defendant pay ye Charges
L : Armstrong


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