Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  286  Nova Scotia Archives.


to attend here with Prudane Robicheaux one of their Deputys, He had therefore thought it necesary to Call them together for their advice upon the Same; which being taken into Consideration, Mr Robicheaux and the Inhabitants were Called in and Reprimanded for their Disobedience, and upon their Excuse made, It was agreed that an order should be published at the Church Door for the Inhabitants forthwith to Comply therewith, and that a Deputy of Each District Should, with one or two of Each Village, Attend the Surveyor and Show him their Respective Boundarys and [368] land true bearings as they will answer to the Contrary, and that the Inhabitants below the River do Give their Attendance on the Surveyor on Thursday Next
Major Copes petition for a peice of Ground

     Then was Read a Petition from Major Henry Cope Praying for a Patent for the Ground formerly Granted to William Haw, and Since Contemptously by him Relinquished as per Minute of Council the 23d of July last Which being Read it was agreed to Defer any opinion thereon till the Said Plott Should be visited and Surveyed once more, That proper Roads may be Reserved.
L: Armstrong

     And the Patent Agreed to be Granted in favour of Charles King the 16th of January last being also Read, it was approved of

     Att a Committee of Council held by order & at the place aforesaid on Wednesday the 22d of August 1733

William Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Henry Cope Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
Aubasque & Heberts Difference


The Secretary laid Before the Committee a Petition of ffrancis Aubasque Complaining of [369] of Antoine Hebert and his family, for Maltreating him, and taking from him Some land in farm lett to the Said Aubasque by the Said Antoine Hebert, Contrary to their Agreement


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