Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 285

Board were of opinion, That he deserves to be Severely punished for his Insolent behaviour; and it being put to the vote what punishment Should be inflicted upon him, It was agreed That he Should to morrow morning between the hours of 9 and 10, be Whip'd at the Carts Tail, and Receive Ten Lashes with [366] with a Cat of nine tails on his bare Back at the ffort gate, Ten at Mr Blondens in the Cape, Ten more upon his Return from Mr Blondens at the ffort Gate, and in the lower Town viztt Ten lashes opposite to his own House, Ten more between Mr Douglass's and Doctor Watts Houses, being in all fifty; and that before he is Released out of Prison he Should find two Good Suretys to be Bound in ffifty pounds Each, and himself in one hundred pounds, for his Good behaviour for a year and a Day
William Haw ordered to by Whipt.

     And the Board were also of Opinon That all Inhabitants that Suttle and keep publick Houses of Entertainment Should be first licenced So to Do by the Governor, upon pain of having their liquor forfeited
L : Armstrong
Settlers to take license

     Att a Council held by order and at the place aforesaid on Saturday the 11th ay of August 1733

His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province
John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Major Henry Cope
Hamilton Esq

     His Honour acquainted the Board That he had frequently ordered the Deputys to inform the Inhabitants of this to plant Poles at their Respective Boundarys in order to Enable the Surveyor to make a Plan of this River and of their Respective Plantations, That, according to his Instructions he might transmitt the Same to the Board of Trade and plantations, and that notwithstanding of his Repeated orders, as he hath been informed by M.r Mitchell the Surveyor, they had not Complyed; and that having ordered them below the River
the Inhabitants ordered to plant Poles at their Boundarys.


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