Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  284  Nova Scotia Archives.


     Att a Council held by order of the Honourable Lieut Governor Armstrong in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on Teusday the 24th day of July 1733 [364]

His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province
John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Major Henry Cope
Hamilton Esq
William Haw put in Irons


     His Honour acquainted the Board that upon the Information of Mr John Dyson Store Keeper to the Board of ordnance, he had last night sent for William Haw and put him on Guard for Entertaining the Artificers Employed on the Kings Work, by selling them liquor without licence, and making them Drunk So as that they Neglected their Bussiness, to the prejudice of the Service; and that therupon the Said Haw having Contemptuously Returned his Patent to the Secretary, Saying that he would not Stay in the Country, and would therefore have nothing to Do with it: Wherefore Judging his behaviour as a Signal mark of Great Contempt and high Disrespect both to himself and his Majestys Council; He had therefore ordered him into Irons, as to which and other Informations of his audacious Insolence read against him, he Desired their advice and opinion, whereupon was ordered to be Read his petition for Said Patent [365]

     Then an Information of Sergeant Gemells to what he heard the prisoner Say, as upon file, and Thomas Parsons who was upon Guard last night being Also Examined upon oath, Declared, That he heard the prisoner Speak very Disrespectfully of the Governor with Cursings and threatnings to shoot him; all which being taken into Consideration, and the prisoner asked what he had to Say In his own Defence, who answering that he was Drunk, and Rememberd nothing of the Matter; the Board were of opinion, That, as to the Patent, having voluntarly Given it up, he had forfeited it, and that the land Returned to the King, and might Therefore be Granted to another. And as to his Contempt and Scandalous Reflections, Disrespect and threatnings of the Governor, The


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