Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 283


behaviour, he had perused his Instructions and had found, that by the 74 Article of the virginia Instructions, it is expressly ordered that no appeal be admitted unless the sum exceed £ 300 Sterling, and that within 14 days after the passing of Sentence, and Good Sufficient Security Also given for Effectually prosecuting the Same and Answering the Charge of Condemnation &c as by the Said Article is more fully Express'd; which Said Article being Read As Also the 10th Article of his Majestys Instructions dated the first day of July 1729, Refering to the Instructions of virginia, It was found that Mr Winniet could not appeal, and that therefore the Sentence of the Board yesterday in favour of Mr Dyson is ordered to Stand Confirmed [363]

Mr Winniets Conduct is Examined

     Then the Secretary acquainted the Board that Mr Winniet had Sent word by the Constable that he Could not attend because he was not well

     His Honour thereupon put the question whether Mr Winniet was not Guilty of a Great Contempt, not only by his absenting himself So frequently from the Board, but by his Reflecting upon the Governor and the members of his Majesty's Council, in taxing them with doing them injustice in the Decision of the Affair between him and Mr Jennings; and His Honour Having Also Represented to the Board, that not passing two hours agoe, he had Seen him walking along with Lieut Handfeild & Lieut Amhurst; The opinion of the Board thereupon, is, that William Winniet Esqr is Guilty, and that His Honour Should, according to the 6th Article of his Majestys Instructions, admonish him for his not attending, and Reprimand him for his other Reflections
L : Armstrong

Whether Mr. Winniet is not guilty of Contempt

found Guilty for whic to be Admonish'd and Reprimanded.


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