Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  282  Nova Scotia Archives.


himself upon Reading the Petition) Nemine Contradicente that the Said Waste Ground be for Ever Reserved for a publick passage, Noways to be Encroached upon, Stopt or shut up by any person or persons whatsoever Mr [361]
Mr Winniets Relections taken into Consideration

     Mr Winniets having withdraw himself as aforesaid, as improper for him to be present at the hearIng of any Such Subject; and having also Said that he had Received injustice at this Board in the Decision of that affair, and that therefore he would appeal Home, beleiving that the Spot Sold by Mr Ross on account of Mr Jennings was Still his; His Honour upon a Motion made thereupon ordered him to be Called back, and Desired to know wherein he had Received injustice; and charging him for insulting and Reflecting upon the Board, Desired to know his intentions, and that if he was So Resolved, to give in Sufficient Security for his prosecuting that affair before his Majestys privy Council at home, Seeing the affair hath been already Seriously weighed, Considered and impartially Determined at this Board

     His answer was, that he did not know whether his attorney would prosecute or not; and His Honour insisting upon Security if he Should any way appeal for Defeating or having the Sentence of the Board Reversed.


     Ordered and Agreed that the Instructions for the Better Government of the Province be Examined & laid before the Board, the first Board day
L : Armstrong [362]

     Att a Council held by order and at the place aforesaid on Saturday the 7th of July 1733

His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province
John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Major Henry Cope
Hamilton Esq

     His Honour acquainted the Board that According to yesterdays minute in Relation to Mr Winniets Conduct and


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