Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 279

     Att a Committee of Council held by order of the Honourable Lieut Governor Armstrong in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on 19th of Aprile 1733

William Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Henry Cope Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq


     The Secretary Acquainted the Gentlemen of the Committee that His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province had directed him to lay before them a letter from Josiah Willard the Secretary of New England with an abstract of Capt: Giles's Accompt of Alexander Campbell a Soldier of Capt Daniells Company, who deserted from Chickenectua, and accused by the Indians for killing two of their people, And Also the Said Alexander Campbells Examination taken at Boston upon the accusation [356] Accusation, being Read, the prisoner was Sent for and Reexamined, and being asked who they were that enticed him to Desert, He Said Jaque Morise, He also Said that no body Carried him over the River to Chippody but that he took an old Cannou and Crossed the River to Chippody by himself, and that he was not near any of the Houses at Chippody; He Said likewise that with the peice Cloath he Sold, he purchased provisions, and had the Same at Tontlamare, And Said that the Casteens were the first that told him that two Indians were killed; and Said that the Casteens told him that they had sold them Rum two or three days before, and was informed by the Said Casteens that they were drowned; He also said that he had no Black Eye when he arrived at St Georges

Alexander Campbels Case Enquired into.

     Seargt Royden who was upon the party at the Coalliary, being Sent for, Said, that the Prisoner and Thomas Herefoord had quarrelled, and being in the dark he did not know Whether he had Black Eyes or not


     Upon the Whole, the Gentlemen of the Committee were of opinion that he should Continue in prison till the Indians upon a Convenient [357] Convenient time Given, Should Come and prove their Allegations against him

L: Armstrong


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