Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  274  Nova Scotia Archives.
L : Armstrong

N. E. Money

For presenting, Endorsing and filing Petition £ " 5" "
ffor drawing and writing a Bail Bond attendance for Bail  & tranacting yrof. 7" 6"

ffor Reading and Examining papers & Search of Records, for Each paper  


ffor each days attendance


ffor fees as Secretary in Reading the Petition & Minuting the Boards proceedings on the partys Respective Cases &c

16" 6

ffor a Copy of the Boards proceedings and final Sentence, if demanded, the same being to be kept on Record


ffor Translating a Petition &c

3" 6

ffor translating an order or minute &c other papers in proportion thereto


3" 6

Att a Council held by order aforesaid at his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on Teusday the 6th of March 1732/3

His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province
John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Major Henry Cope
William Winniet Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
Captain Jephsons memorial against Gov.r J. Cosby

     His Honoour acquainted the Board that he had Received a Memorial from Captain Lieut Jonn Jephson Complaining Against Major Alexander Cosby the Lieut Governor of this Garrison, for disturbing him in the posseµion of a House and Garden for Which he had a Patent; Which Said Memorial being ordered to be Read, and Captain Jephson being also Called, it was Read accordingly; As Also an Answer thereunto sent to His honourby Lieut Governor Cosby; and also his Majestys Instructions Relating to Grants; and the use of the Seal of the Province of Nova Scotia, as was likewise Captain Jephsons Patent

     Then Captain Jephson, to prove the allegations of his Memorial, produced John Chappel to prove that he was in possession of that House, who Declared that he about Eighteen


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