Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 273


     Then was Read a Petition from Anthony Depuis Setting forth his Reasons for undertaking to Represent and answer in behalf of Claud Gautrot to Such Allegations as might be advanced against him by John Terriot in behalf of Some others of the Inhabitants of Menis, & (as he owned and Declared that he knew not the State of his the Said Gautrots affair, till the Minutes of [346] of Council and the Governors orders thereon were read and Communicated to him here) the Prayer of his Petition as upon file being to this purpose, that he might not be made accountable for the Said Gautrau's Conduct & proceedings, the Same was Granted, being allowed to be Reasonable

Depuis petitions praying to be excused for not appear for Gautrot in virtue of his power of attorney

     Ordered that the aforesaid order in Relation to the Gautrots, with a translation thereof in ffrench, be Sent to be immediatly duely publish'd by the Deputys of Menis

     Then Mr Shirreff presented to his Honour and the Board a list of Articles of Expences that may attend private disputes and processes passing through the Secretarys Office to be laid before the Council; and Represented his trouble and Expence in giving daily attendance upon the plantiffs and defendants at his office, and in Searching the Records and other papers upon file; And therefore Prayed the Board might Consider the Said list, and Regulate the Articles therein Mentioned As they Should judge Reasonable until the Same be Settled from home or farther Advice from New England or Rather Virginia to which this Government is Refer'd
the Expenses of proceases in the Secretarys office Regulated by the Board.


     Which list being Examined and duely Considered The Board judged Reasonable that the Secretary Should have Releif, and therefore, as all offices have their fees, agreed [347] Agreed, that Untill a Certain Regulation for Such fees be Sent from Britain or procured as aforesaid, The Secretary Shall be Entitled to the following Regulation viztt


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