Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  272  Nova Scotia Archives.

only to Secure to him his lawfull Inheritance adjoyning the Common, and not the Common it Self
L : Armstrong

Att a Committee of Council held by order aforesaid In his Majestys Garrion of Annapolis Royall at Major Henry Copes House on friday the 16th of february 1732/3 Major Henry Cope

William Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Otho Hamilton Esq
Explanation of a former Minute of Council in the affair of Gautrol and the LeBlances.


     The Secretary Acquainted the Committee that His Honour had directed him to lay before them A paper ordered to be drawn up yesterday to be Sent to the Gautrots of Menis in order to Examine & amend the Same by Comparing it with the former Minutes and orders Sent on the Subject of the ¼ part of the point in dispute with the Said Gautrots and the Le Blanes, that the Same may be laid before the Council in the afternoon, which was accordingly done and ordered to be prepared for the Boards Approbation [345]
ffriday 16th february 1732/3

     Mett according to Adjournment the Same members and John Adams Esqr being present

     The Secretary Acquainted His Honour that he had Summon'd and waited upon the Committee of Council which he had directed and had laid before them for their Examination the order directed to be drawn yesterday in Relation to the Gautrots &c at Mines, and the Committee having Examined the Same they found it agreeable to the proceeding minutes on that affair, which having laid before the Board, the Same was ordered to be read for their farther approhation, Which being done, it was agreed that these words Should be Subjoin'd to Said order viztt, It does not appear as yet to the Board that Gautrot has any manner of lawfull Claim or pretensions to the lands lying on the Southern Side of the River Gaspereau


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