Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 271

Read, and they thereupon declared themselves fully Satisfyed; and the Board therefore ordered that the Said Agreement Should be inviolably observed by the partys


     Then was Read the Petition of ffrancis and Rene Le Blancs, praying that they may have their Pretensions to a peice of Ground in dispute with them and James Le Blanc and Anthony Landry Inhabitants at menis Examined; And the partys being Called, and their papers Read and Considered, the Board being Doubtfull of the Claudes Authority to make any Such Concession, After Debate, it was Agreed, That the affair Should Remain as it is untill the Clauds Original Grant Should be produced [343]


     Then was Read a Petition from Andrew and John Le Blanes delivered by John Terriot, Complaining of Claud Gautrot, In Relation to the Common of Menis &c. and his Concealing a minute of Council and an Order of the Governors In Relation to the Same, bearing date the 11 th of may 1732, which was published only the 14th of January last; and both which being Examined and Compared with a Plan of the place; The Board Agreed therefore that the Minute of Council of the 8th of May, and his Honours Said order to the Deputys In favour of said Gautrot Should be Explain'd According to the plain meaning of the former orders and minutes passed thereon the 7th of february 173½ as it noways Appears to the Board that Claud Gautrot had (as Represented the Said 8th of May last) any Inheritance but the 173¼ of the point of land already Confirmed to him, Adjacent to the Spot of land Called the Common of Menis; and that by Said Explanation, the former Decree and Sentence of the Board In Relation to Said one fourth part may be duely observed till the Said Gautrot Can as per Said Minute of Council the 7th of february 173½) produce Such vouchers as thereby Required; And after due Examination and Consideration of the whole affair The Board found that Claud Gautrots Report [344] Report to the Council the 8th of May last, was false, and an imposition upon the Board, who by Said minute intended

Andrew and John LeBlancs petition against Gautrol in Relation to the Common of Menis


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