Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 269

of the Clock to Morrow P. M. Adjourned till that time in order to Consider the purport of the Said paper and the Reflection Cost as aforesaid
Teusday 6th ffebruary 1732/3

     Mett According to adjournment the Same Members being present and Adjourned till 4 of the Clock P. M. Next day
Wednesday 7th ffebruary 1732/3


     Mett according to adjournment, and the Prisoner being Sent for, The Witnesses viztt Charles Tallard, John Hanshole, the Constable and Mary his Wife, were also Called in; and their Respective Declarations being Read, as upon file, they were admitted to oath; and as the Constable had neglected to acquaint William Winniet Esqr of the adjournment [340] adjournment, His honourthe Lieut Governor of the Province did therefore again adjourn till to Morrow at 10 of the Clock A. M., and ordered that So Summons Should be Sent to Said Mr Winniet, to advise him thereof
Thursday the 8th of ffebruary 1732/3

     Met according to last days adjournment the Same members being present , and mr Winniett being asked for again, the Constable Said that he Delivered him the Summons from the Secretary, and that his answer thereunto was, that he Could not Come
Mr. Winniet Ans.r to the Constable.

     Then the Prisoner John Duon was Sent for, and the Witnesses Called there was Read an addition which Charles Tallard had added to his aforesaid Declaration as upon file; and the prisoner being ask'd for his answer to the allegations laid against him by Charles Tallard, John Hanshole the Constable and Mary his Wife, He presented the Board with his answer, Wherein he Confessed he had been thrice Employed in Complaints Against His honourby mr Winniett Signed by the Inhabitants, and the last thereof was done by several of the Inhabitants through fear, and with much Regrate


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