Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 267

     Then was Read a Scrol of the Summons or order to be Sent to Alexander Bourg and the other Deputys of Menis to Appear before the Council whIch was approved of
L : Armstrong
Summons for the Deputees of Menis to Appear in Council

Att a Council held by order of the Honoura ble Lieut Governor Armstrong in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on munday the 5th of ffebruary 1732/3

His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province
John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Major Henry Cope
Otho Hamilton Esq


     The Members of the Board being Sett and the Secretary being asked whether he had Summoned Mr winniett [337] Winniett, Esqre1 he answered in the affirmative, and appealed to the Constable to whom he had delivered the Summons, and he being Called in, he said he had Delivered it & that Mr Winniet Said that in Case he had time he would Come otherways not

Mr Winniets answer to the Constable

     Then his Honour acquainted the Board that he had Received from home a Report of the Right Honble The Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs dated the 2d of August 1732, which had been laid before his Majesty and his Majestys Privy Council at the Court of Kingsington the 10th of August 1732, Relating to a Dispute Between Colonel Dunbar and Several people of New England about the Settlements Carryed on by the Said Colonell Dunbar at Pemmaquid and in that District or Tract of land lying Between the Rivers Kennebeck and St Croix with her Majestys Directions thereon to the Said Colonel Dunbar and the Governor of Nova Scotia which being Read was ordered to be kept upon file.

1. Written in above the line
The state of Colonel Dunbars settlement laid before the Board


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