Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 265


     Then were Read two petitions vizt one from Magdalene King in behalf of her husband Lewis ffontain at present on a voyage at Boston [333] Boston in New England, and one from Charles King praying for plotts of Ground Conformable to his Majestys Instructions, and that Grants may be prepared for the Same; And the prayer of their Petitions being taken into Consideration, they were Granted
L : Armstrong

Magdalene and Charles King's Petitions for plotts of Ground Granted

     Att a Council held by order of the Honourable Lieut Governor Armstrong in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on Tewsday the 30th January 1732/3

His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province
John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Major Henry Cope
Otho Hamilton Esq


     His honouracquainted the Board that one Anthony Depuis, Brother to one John Depuis Inhabitant of Menis was Come from thence along with René and ffrancis Le Blancs, Inhabitants of Said place, who had presented him with petitions in Relation to lands in Dispute with them and their Neighbours of these parts; And also informed the Board that that Solicited by the Depuis had been [334] been already Decided in Council, and that he had Given his orders to the Deputees of Menis to Divide the land in Dispute Between the Depuis and the Claudes; and to put the partys in possession according to the Minute of Council the 10th of January 173&fract12; and the Petitioners being Called, the petition of Depuis was Read, As Also the Said Minute, the Governors order to the Deputys and their Letters; And Also a paragraph of the Governors letter of the 28th March 1732 to Bourg; and the whole being Considered, the Board were unanimously of opinion, that Both Mr Bourg with Several of the Deputys of Menis to whom his Honours orders was Directed, and the

Depuis and the Le Blancs Petitions in Relatkion to lands in Dispute with Neighbours laid before the board

Le Blanc Imprisoned and the Deputys of Menis ordered to appear before the Council


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