Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  264  Nova Scotia Archives.

     Mr Gautier being Called, and the prisoners being brought and further Examined, they Confessed the Same facts as they did yesterday and Said that they had nothing farther to Say in their own behalf, but Submitted to his Honours Clemency
Raymond and Meuse ordered to be whipt.


     Whereupon it was Agreed (after Some Questions put and Considered) That ffrancis Raymond Should be Whipt at the Carts tail vizt at the Block House, at the ffort Gate, at the Cape and at Mr Gautiers; and at Each of these places to Receive five Stripes on his Bare Back with a Cat of Nine Tails; And that ffrancis Meuse Should Receive 40 Stripes at the ffort Gate on his Bare Back with a Cat of Nine Tails; but submitted the inflicting or Remitting the Same to his Honours Clemency; and ordered that ffrancis Raymond Remain in Prison after punishment till he pay the Constable a Pistol for his prison ffees; and that ffrancis Meuse be also Committed till he pay to the Constable a pistol for his prison fees, and be Bound over in a hundred pound, and also to find two [332] two Good Securitys in ffifty pound Each for his Good behaviour for a year and a Day; And that both the Said ffrancis Raymond and ffrancis Meuse Should Cause the trees Cut down upon the Rood to be Removed from off the Same, and brought hither and laid down by the ffort, in Such a place as Shall be appointed; and that they Stand Committed till this Sentence be performed.

     Then the Board proceeded to Consider the Behaviour and Confession of Joseph Landry & Michel Doucett the two Witnesses that Appeared Against ffrancis Raymond; and being Called upon, mr Gautier Answered that they were not present, and being askd if he had advertised them to be present, he Replyed in the Affirmative, and Said that Joseph Landry was Sick, and that Michel Doucett was not at home whereupon the Board Agreed that they, (but Especially Michell Doucett) were Guilty of Contempt in Disobedience to yesterdays Minute and mr Gautiers Summons

     Ordered that the Constable Should apprehend and take them into Custody for their Said Contempt


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