Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 263


Meuse Confeesed. and Said that he did Cut about two or three Smal trees, and that he did also pick up about 7 or 8 other Stumps & throw them Amongst them And that for no other Intent than to Cause young Robicheau who was on Horse Back to go a little about; and ffrancis Raymond Denying that he Cut any, the Said Meuse Said that he did not See him Cut any; Whereupon His honourto find out more of the truth and State of the Road, Sent the Corporal Major along with James Lavern to visit the Same, and, to make a Report to him of the truth thereof, and then adjourned till three of the Clock P. M. [330]

     Met according to Adjournment, the Corporal Major being Come, from viewing the Road, & being Called Before the Board, He Declared, that he had been, in obedience to his Honours orders and Surveyed the Road, and that he there round about 40 or 50 trees laid Cross the Road, and Some lying by the Road Side; And Lavern being also Examined thereon (being Both first Sworn) Said that there were a Great many others lying by the Road Side that had been Removed from off the Road Since he last Saw it

     This Report being made, the Board took the Case of the Aforesaid two prisoners ffrancis Raymond and ffrancis Meuse into Consideration, and Upon the whole, the Board found, That ffrancis Raymond by his own Confession was Guilty of Repeated Thefts; and that the Said ffrancis Meuse, was also by his own Confession, Guilty of a tresspass and Contempt. Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning, and ordered the witnesses and prosecutor to Attend at 10 of the Clock A. M.
ffriday the 16th January 1732/3


     Met According to Adjournment, the Same Members being present, in order to Consider what [331] what punishment Should be inflicted on the two prisoners ACcording to the Nature of their Crimes, and to hear if they had any thing to offer why Sentence Should not be pronounced Against them.


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