Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  262  Nova Scotia Archives.


Nicholas Gautier upon [328] Upon file, And Whereas they were now prisoners, He had therefore Called the Council for their advice and opinion thereon

     Mr Gautier the prosecutor, and the prisoners Being all present, The Information in Relation to ffrancis Raymond was ordered to be Read, which being done, and mr Gautiers Witnesses vizt Joseph Landry and Michell Doucett being first Sworn and Examined, they Declar'd, that they were Both on Board of the Said Gautiers Sloop, in this River, when ffranois Raymond broke up the Cabin Door, and that they Saw him do it, And that when the Door was so Broke open, they the Said Joseph Landry and Michell Doucett did Drink a Dram with the Said prisoner at the Cabin Door out of a fflagon

     The prisoner ffrancis Raymond Confess'd the Most of mr Gautiers Information, and that he had taken Money out of Mr Gautiers Chest vizt at Lewis Bourgh one Pistol, and at the River Canard £5. But that he did not then break any locks; and Said that At Annapolis Royall, he did draw the Steple of the Padlock to take a Dram, according to the Evidences of the Witnesses, who were So far Consenting to it, as the prisoner Said, that they Said to him that there was no harm in taking a Dram


     Then the other part of Mr Gautiers Declaration in [329] In Relation to Stoping the high way, and the persons who Complain'd of those Abuses to Gautier as one of the Deputys, being Called and Examined, Joseph Gautier Affirmed before the prisoners that ffrancis Raymond did Strick him twice with a Stick and pursued him part of his way home; and the prisoner ffrancis Raymond being Examined thereon He Confessed. that he did it. And the other Complainants vizt James Lavern, Claud Landry Junior, Joseph Landry, Peter Robicheau and Andrew Simon Junr ing Sworn and Examined, they Said that they found the Road So Stopt, but that they did not know positively who did it, and being asked if there was much Wood thrown down, they Said about a Cart Load; and the prisoners being ask'd if they had done it, ffrancis


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