Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 261

     The minute of ye 7th December being read As also his Excellys proclamation dated the 10th December 1730, and upon the Consideration Thereof, were of opinion & Agreed that the Inhabitants of this River Should also pay their Quit Rents for his Majestys use As a token of their holding off him as their only and Supream Seignior. Then was Read a Scrol drawn by his Honours orders to that purpose, and upon Examination it was approved off

     Then His honouracqainted the Board that he had heard Several people Complain that they had lost Sheep and other Cattle, and were Suspicious that those losses happend Cheifly through the want of [327] of a Herdsman, or Some proper overseers, & that having prepar'd an order to prevent those abuses the Same was Read but Refer'd, and then adjourn'd, till the Deputys Came to Consider of the Rates to be paid to the overseers and to the Constable for visiting Such Cattle as Come to the Garrison to be Sold
L : Armstrong
Order for preventing the loss of sheep &c

     Att a Council Held by order of the Honourable Lieut Governor Armstrong in the Garrison of Annapolis Royall on Munday the 15th of January 1732/3

His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province
John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq
Wm Shirreff Secretary
Major Henry Cope
Otho Hamilton Esq

     His Honour the Lieut Governor of the Province acquainted the Board that upon an Information of Nicholas Gautier one of the Deputys, Against ffrancis Meuse, he had Sent the Constable on Saturdays night last to Apprehend them; The first being Accused of Theft, and Both of them for ffelling of Trees a Cross the publick High way in order to Stop and hinder the passing of any Carts or Sleadges with Wood, As more fully Appears by the Declaration of
Gautiers Information against Raymond and Meuse laid before the Board


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