Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  20  Nova Scotia Archives.

Council (out of their tenderness) forgaue him that part of his sentence, Vizt his giueing security for his good behaviour to this Goverment for the future
Major Armstron returned from Canso


     His Excellency acquainted the Board that Maj.o Armstrong return'd yesterday from Cansoe & brought several Papers of Moment wch should be lay'd before the Board in a little time [31] and was of opinion that what be acted in his Voyage to and at Oape Breton' was for hds Majesties Interest

At a Council held at his Excellencys house in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royal upon Saturday the 23th Octobe 1720

His Excellency the General
The Hon:ble The President
Major Lawerence Armstrong
Major Paul Mascarene
Arthur Savage Esq
John Adams Esq
Hibbert Newton Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq
Peter Boudre Esq


     Two Prissoners from Cansoe (by Major Armstrong) viz.t James Saunders & Peter Henderson for the death of Abiel Bell who was killed there the 10th August last — -was sent for in & examined — James Saunders who kill'd the man (as is said) declared he went ashore by orders and was one of the Guard that went ashoare at Cansoe and that he challeng'd several times very loud before he fired his peice, & that he took the boat wherein the man was that was kill'd, for a french boat and that he saw no person on the stage when he fired as per his declaration in Writeing taken at Cansoe now upon file here more fully appears. Peter Henderson upon examinattion, dellared1 that he knew nothing of the watch word nor guard ashoare but that the men belonging to his Vessell who went ashoare, said they were goeing to saue the good belonging to the English [32]

1 declared.


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