Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  18  Nova Scotia Archives.

     At a Council held at the Honble Liev.t Gover:es house in his Majesty's Garrison of Annapolis Royal upon Wednesday the 12th October 1720

Present-The whole Council here as on 11th Instant A. M. YesWrdays Minutes and Order was read

     Order'd that the words /\ in Council 1 /\ be added to the Order of yesterdayes. reference thereto by this mark /\ .

     Mr William Winniet at the hour of 12 appeared at the Board, and deliver'd in a paper dated this day. then was order'd to withdraw. then his paper was read Advised and fully Debated on.

     Agreed Nemine Contradicente that M.r William Winniet hath not obey'd the Order of Council of yesterdays — Agreed that he had trifled with Goverment by said Paper, and thereby rather aggravated his Crime.


     Advised and Order'd.
That the said Mr William Winniet be Confin'd in close Custody untill such time he Obeys the Order of Council of yesterdays, and giues good security in the sum of one hundred Pounds New England money for his good behaviour for the future to the Goverment. and that [29] And that a Representation of M.r William Winniet Character and behavior under former Goverments and particularly under this, be drawn up by a Comittee of the whole Council in order to be transmitted to the Goverment at home, and to the Neighbouring Goverments to Justitye the Proceedings of this Honble Board to be sign'd by every Member of this his Majestys Council, and as many others as will
R. Philipps

     Then the Council was adjourn'd till half an hour past three in the afternoon.

1. "In Council" written in above the line with caret.


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