Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 17

— who said that he had heard some words by William Shirreff Esqe tending to that purpose. Upon which the Lievt Governors Orders relateing to Mr. Oliviers Soap, Elizabeth Reynolds being whipte, and an Order to Sergeant Emerton to assist the Collector in search for counterband goods was read, and approued off by his Excellency & Council as haueing nothing in them irregular. Mr. William Winniet being in Company at the same time when the aforesaid reflections was cast, was sent for in before the Council and askt by the Hon:ble Liev.t Governor, whither he had any objections to make against his administration while he had the Honour here, to be in the Chair of Government before his Excellencys arrivall who answered he had none


     (Mr. William Winniet desireing leaue of his Excellency to go up the bay of Fundy with h:s Sloop [27] to trade, His Excellency declares he has leaue quallifying himself according. to Law-)

     Resolued and Agreed
That whoever has made any such reffections as is before mentioned, upon those Orders that was now read approued off by Council must be thought to haue done it to Invallidate the Authority of Goverment.


     It is further Resolued and urderd. Nemine Contradicente That M.r William Winniet haueing behaued himself before his Excellency and Council in an Insolent, Disrespectfull Audacious, Contemptious and undutiful manner as is beleiu'd to be without President or Example he shall be obliged to ask pardon and make his humble submission in writeing to his Excellency and Council acknoweldging his offence in the most submissiue manner (and in perticular to two of the Members of this his Majestys Council viz.t Major Paul Mascarene and John Adams Esq haueing reflected in the vilest manner on the Character of the latter in Council1) and deliver in the same sign'd by himself , to his Excellency and Council to morrow at the hour of' twelve, who will then sitt at the Place aforesaid — -And that Mr William Winniet be serued this day with the Copy of this Order of Council.
R. Philipps

Mr. Winniet ordained to>br> ask pardon for his behaviour to the Gen.ll &c. Ar Savage Secry


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