Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  154  Nova Scotia Archives.

     Resolv'd that the aforesd James Blin by his disrespectful Carriage & behaviour as aforesaid hath shewn the utmost Contempt & Indignity to his Majty's Authority & Royal Commisison

     Order'd that the aforesd James Blin be Committed to prison for Said Offence
The Deputys not able to serve the Garrison with Grain

     A Representation from the Deputys of this River in behalf of themselves & Inhabitants, Shewing the Insufficiency of this place to Supply either the Garrison or themselves with Grain &c
     Read & Order'd


     That the Said Representation be examin'd by a Committee of the Whole Board at Mr Adams's house on Sunday next being the 27th Ins.t & that the Deputys have notice to attend [208]

     Mett at Mr Adams's on Sunday the 27 Augst 1727 according to adjournment
     All the Same Members present
The deputys assured of kindness upon their Good behaviour

     The Committee after having maturely considerd the Contents of the Deputys Representation, They were admitted and assured of all the favour & Good usage they could desire while they behaved themselves As Dutiful Subjects to His Majesty King George

     At a Council held at the LivtGovernor's house in ye fort of Annapolis Royal on Wednesday the 30 Augst 1727


     The Same as on the 23.d Inst
Joseph Bissett petitions for Going up the Bay Granted.

     His Honr laid before the Board a Petition of Joseph Bissett of the Sloop Ranger now Riding at anchor in this port, Praying his permission to go up the Bay in order to gett in his debts, Engaging at the Same time to supply the Garrison with what Grain they Shall require as far as may lye in his power, Read and His Honr desiring the opinion & advice


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