Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  14  Nova Scotia Archives.
Ar Savage Secry

to assemble the Indians there and demand of them in his Excellency's name, their reason.s for their thus doing in a time of Pea+ and without the least provocation.
R. Philipps

At a Council held at the Honb1e Liev.t Governors house in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royal upon Munday the 19th Septemb:e 1720
Ar Savage Secry.

His Excellency the General
The Hon:ble The President
Major Paul Mascarene
Arthur Savage Esq
John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq
The masters of Vessels trading here Summon'd to Comperar before his Excellency


     His Excellency acquainted the that he had heard that sundry Masters of Vessells, tradeing here, had made great Clamours, about thee Order of Council , relateing to the Graine of this Province. all the Masters of Vessells at this Place was summond to appear before his Excellency and Council. M.r Benj.a Walter (for his master) John Alden, William Winniet, Joseph Prissell, and George Lynham appear'd. The Order of Council relateing to the Grain was read. they were then demanded to giue their objections if they had any. No person there had any, only M. rWilliam Winniet said he would giue in a Memorial in writeing. His Excellency aquainted the Council and the afores.d Masters, that he should be very thankfull to any or all of them by themselves or others to take the Magazine of Grain in this Garrison out of his hands: in Order to supply this Garrison & Goverment, for it was a burden to him, not haueing a fund to carry it on [23] No Person there would accept of it.
the Hunters prohibited to carry Passengers &c.

     Shallopps passing the Bay of Fundy from hence, in order for hunting by the Inhabitants of this River. Advised on - Agreed &Order'd That those Hunters giue security by their Cheifs of their Gangs, to his Excellency as he shall think proper, That they carry no passengers or effects off, nor provisions


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