Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 69

who was exhorted to send for her son unless she chose to see him outlawed — and that the others who had ingenuously confessed what they knew, should be released with a reprimand from the Commander in Chief, which was accordingly done, and then adjourned to Saturday 11 O'clock.

     Saturday May the 4th 1745, Met again according to adjournment the same Members present.

     His Honor acquainted the Board that soon after the Council broke up on Thursday last Pierre Gautier came and declared before him and Erasmus James Philipps a Member of this Board that what had been deposed by those who were examined on Thursday last was true and was committed to prison by the Commander in Chief for further examination.

     Then his Honor acquainted the Board that the Deputies of this river were attending without whom he had sent for to speak with, in relation to Mrs Gautier and her son's behaviour, and the other inhabitants that the fort Major with the party had brought into the fort the other morning, and who had been already examined — that he also wanted to speak to the Deputies concerning the timbers &c that were bespoke last fall and this Spring for the use of the Board of Ordnance, which contract as appears by Mr. Bastide's letter of yesterday's date has not yet been fully completed. The Deputies being thereupon sent for His Honor told them that notwithstanding his many friendly admonitions to the inhabirt:ants to continue in their duty to his Britannic Majesty their lawful Sovereign, under whose dominion they had always been so tenderly treated and that in contempt to his repeated orders several amongst them had been guilty of carrying on a private correspondence with the enemy by the means of Charles Raymond and Landry,the two lads who had absconded for fear of punishment for their former misbehaviour here and who made it a constant practice of going and coming between Annapolis and the settlements up the Bay without presenting themselves to the Government — that the said lads had a few days ago made their appearance in this river and had conversed with Gautiers family on affairs much interesting this Government, and that many others whom he had sent for with said Gautier's family had been acquainted with the aforesaid correspondence and had endeavored to conceal it in contempt of their duty to their lawful Sovereign and His Honor's aforesaid orders, to which the said Deputies unanimously answered, that they were very much concerned at what had happened that they could assure His Honor that the people in general were ignorant of it and very much averse to any such proceedings — that they hoped the Government would continue its tenderness for them and make a distinction between the many who hitherto had continued and were resolved to do their duty to their lawful Sovereign the King of Great Britain tho' a few designing people amongst them who without doubt had taken too much pains to disturb it and put the

     His Honor then put the question how he should proceed in regard to the prisoners Mrs. Gautier and her son and Paul Suratt, and the Board


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