Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 57

each several Interrogatory Questions as mentioned in the Minute of Monday last as upon file to which they answered in Council and they were orderd to give their answers in writing against Friday next. Joseph Le Blanc & Amand Bugaud produced several orders of Monsr du Vivier the French Commander & the Intendant at Lewisbourg with Certificates in behalf of the latter Certifying that he (Amand Bugaud) did not bear arms against the fort as accused.

     The Deputys being come as orderd His Honour delivered to them the Ingineers demand for timber Pallisades &c for the Service of the Works as also a Computation of what wood is wanted for the use of the Garrison for the Ensuing Winter which they were orderd to get ready as agreed to (when that matter was last talked of) as soon as possible to be paid for according to the stated price Then adjournd till Friday next.

     Friday the 25th January 1744/5 Met according to adjournment the same Members present.

     Monsieur Bourg, Joseph Leblanc, and Amand Bugaud, deliverd their Answers in Writing as orderd to the Interrogatory Questions which being Read & Considered they were judged not satisfactory & thereupon they were orderd to appear before the Board in the Afternoon and then Adjourned.

     Then met according to adjournment.

     Monsieur Bourg, Joseph Leblanc and Amand Bugaud were each further Examind upon the Answers they had made to the Interrogatorys and being ordered to withdraw; It was resolved that Monsieur Alexr Bourg for his neglect in not using his best Endeavors to prevent the Exportation of Cattle in which those of his family were mostly Concernd as well as for other neglects in the way of the Duty of his Office should be dismissd from his Office of Notary at Mines That Joseph Leblanc & Amand Bugaud should each of them be bound with two Substantial Inhabitants as securitys in the sum of one hundred pounds sterling for their appearance before the Commander in Chief or President & Council whenever called thereto within the space of a year & a day.

     Then the partys being called in & the Commander in Chief having animadverted upon their several neglects, breaches of trust & of the Duty and fidelity they owed to His Majesty acquainted them with the Resolve passed in Council to which they Submitted & thanked the Commander in Chief & Council for their favourable treatment of them, promising to behave in such a Manner as not to give any Subject of Complaint against them for the future.

     Copys of the Interrogatory Questions put to Monsr Alexr Bourg, Joseph Leblanc & Amand Bugaud with their Answers also some orders of Monsieur du Viviers & the Intendant at Louisbourg produced by said Leblanc & Bugaud with some Certificates in their own Justification To


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