Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  56 Nova Scotia Archives.  

were called in His Honr thereupon Signified to them his resolution to give the Inhabitants his protection provided they Continued steadfast in ye Promises they had made not to do anything against His Majestys Interest and behaved like faithful subjects to his Majesty King George & that to prevent any disorders which might happen by the New Engd peoples going up the Bay to pursue ye Indian Enemy he had given positive Instructions to them not to Molest any of the Inhabitants who had behaved themselves well and in regard to the Notion the Inhabitants had amongst them that all who had any Indian blood in them would be treated as Enemys, it was a very great Mistake since if that had been the design of the New Engd Armed Vessells it might very well be Supposed that the Inhabitants of this River many of whom have Indian blood in them & some even who live within reach of the Canon would not be sufferd to live peaceably as they do if that ever had been resolved upon.

     His Honour further told the three Inhabitants that what the three Districts had desired to know about the New England people making the Inhabitants take up arms to pursue the Indians & go as guides & Pilots to find them out; the first was never intended nor so much as ever thought of but yt the latter of taking Pilots & Guides from amongst them was not in his power to hinder since it was practiced by all Nations & agreeable to the Laws of War that therefore they must rest satisfied & whenever they were called upon or forced to go on said Service they were to be faithfull to them & not to quit them without leave.
P. Mascarene

At a Council held by order of the Honble Paul Mascarene Esq President & Commander in Chief &c at his own house in the fort of Annapolis Royal on Monday the 21st of January 1744/5

His Honour the President
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff
Erasmus James Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
Edward How Esq
John Handfield Esq
Edward Amhurst Esq

His Honour the President acquainted the Board that Monsr Alexr Bourg, Joseph Leblanc dit LeMaigre & Amand Bugaud were come from Mines; The two last having been Summond to appear here before the board That all three had declared they came here to answer to such points of Accusation as should be laid to their Charge that therefore he had drawn up such questions as he thought ought to be laid to them Severally which were Read & approved of and then adjourned till Wednesday ye 23d Instant at 10 a Clock.

Wednesday January 23rd, 1744/5. Met according to adjournment the same Members Present.

     Monsr Alexr Bourg, Joseph Leblanc & Amand Bugaud appearing this day before the Board as directed His Honour the President deliverd to


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