Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 55

His Honour the President
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff
Erasmus James Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
Edward How Esq
John Handfield Esq
Edward Amhurst Esq

     His Honour laid before the Board 2 letters he had received from the Inhabitants of Mines & Pizziquid acquainting him of their having Chosen their Deputys according to his Orders, making many excuses for their not having done it before & Promising for the future to pay an Exact obedience to ye orders of the Government.

     Another Letter from the Inhabitants of Grand Prée River Canard & Pizziquid in Conjunction assuring him of their intention to Continue faithfull subjects to His Majesty King George & having that Confidence in him as children towards their father they have a favour to ask having learnt by Indirect means that several armd Vessells were arrived from New Engd & that they had pressed by Violence the Inhabitants of Annapolis Royal to go against the Indians & to serve them as Pilots & hearing they were coming up the bay to do ye same & to destroy all the Inhabitants that had any Indian blood in them & Scalp them, – That as there was a great number of Mulattoes amongst them who had taken the Oath & who were allied to the greatest familys it had Caused a terrible Alarm which made many put themselves on their Guard being very much frightend for which Reason all ye Inhabitants being assembled of each District had sent to him to Submit themselves to his Mercy & to represent that in Case they were Obliged to make any sortys or go against the Indians that Barbarous & Inhuman nation would assassinate them every day while they were at their Work & separated from one another without being able to have any succor from the Government as it was so remote which they had well foreseen when they reserved in taking the oaths of fidelity a Dispensation from every thing that related to War – The favour therefore that they demand is to know whether the People of Boston have a right to force them & expose them to such danger.

     Another Letter from Amand Bugaud Inhabitant of Mines giving an Accot of his Voyage to Lewisbourg & being detained there & afterwards obliged to accompany the french in their Expedition acquainting him of the many threatnings which has hindered him from Coming here as summoned to do being afraid after such great Menaces.

     Another from Joseph Leblanc alias Ie Maigre Informg him that he had nothing against the Kings Interest since the beginning of the War but by pure force hoping his honour would not be Surprised that he did not Come (as Summoned) to justifie himself as so many things were falsely Imputed to him which made him afraid.

     Another from Alexr Bourg containing many excuses for his negligence to act in his office.

     The three Inhabitants who were· Ghosen by the three districts of the Grand Prée Pizziquid & river Canard, to bring the letter above mentioned


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