Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  36 Nova Scotia Archives.  

His Honour the President
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff
Eras Jas Philipps Esq
Otho Hamilton Esq
John Handfield Esq
Edward Armhurst Esq

His Honour Acquainted the Board that the Cause of his Calling upon them at this time was upon account of Mr. Degodalier being Come hither to Make his Appearance Before his Majestys Council as he had Again Return'd into the Province as a Missionary Priest to the Inhabitants in Order to have the Governments Leave to Exercise his function in it and Submitt himself to the Orders thereof &ca which being Considered and Debated it was Agreed and Resolved that the following Questions and Resolutions of the Board should be put to him and that he should Give his Answer thereunto in Writing for the further Consideration of the Board which being Vizt

     What motion induced him to Return into this province after his having Quitted his Mission at Mines to Another Without having first Apply'd to this Government for Permission there being when he Return'd no Vacancy for a Priest nor any Application made by the Inhabitants for one Except from Chignecto to succeed Mons Desclasse Upon Account of his Age.

     What was the reason of Mr. Vauxlin's Removeing Out of this place and By Whose Authority he being at the time of his Withdrawing in very good Health.

     That it is agreed upon and Expected by this Government that no Mis- sionary Preist shall possess himself of any Parish nor Exercise any part of his Preistly function in it without the Governments Permission first had and obtained nor is any Preist so permitted by the Government to Remove "himself from that Parish to another by Any Authority But by that of this 'Government and the same being Ordered to be sent to him in Writing the Board then Adjourned till Saturday the 21st instant at Ten O'clock A. M.

Saturday, Nov. 21, 1741, at Ten O'Clock A. M. Mett at the Same Place According to Adjournment the same Members being Present.

     His Honour the President acquainted the Board that he had Mr. Degodaliers Answer to the Above Questions Sent to him as therein Directed, Which being Read, As upon file and Considered the Board Resolved that the Inhabitants of this River Might Send for Mr. Des Enclaves at Mines to 'officiate here as their Priest Instead of Mr. Vauxlin that Monsr Degodalier may remain at Mines and that Monsr Laboret may go to Chignecto in place of Messr Disclosses Superanuated, The Inhabitants There having Requested one In his Stead and Mr. Degodalier being Sent for and the Resolution of the Board being communicated to him the President Told him that he was Just now Informed that there was a report that he had in Conversation at Mines Disown'd the Right of his Majesty KING GEORGE to be the lawfull Sovereign of GREAT BRITITAIN to which he answered that he had Never


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