Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 31

     families and therefore it is the opinion of the Board that they be ordered to withdraw their families from off His Majesty's lands immediately but that afterwards they may continue fishing and fowling as usual and that the President give his orders accordingly, and then adjourned till Monday morning the 4th instant at 9 O'Clock A. M.
Signed P. Mascarene

Monday morning the 4th August [1740] 9 o'Clock met according to Saturday's· adjournment. The same Members present except Edward Amhurst Esq.

     There was then read a scrawl order relating to those who had contemptuously gone and settled themselves at Tibogue, the Deputies and those it concerned being also present, it was with amendments approved of and ordered to be delivered to the Deputies to be further published to them and others. Then the Petitioners, Joseph Landry, Denis Petitot, Joseph Dou- cett, James Bertran, Michael Doucett, James Lavern, Peter Doucett and Germin Doucett moved to the Board that in case permission could not be granted them to winter with their families at Tibogue that the Board might be pleased to grant them a passport or permission in writing to withdraw themselves and families from His Majesty's Government to the dominions of France – the consideration of which was referred to another day.

At a Council held by orderr of the Honble Paul Mascarene Esq President of His Majesty's Council at the house of John Adams Esq in the Lower Town of Annapolis Royal on Thursday the 7th of August 1740 at 9 o'clock A.M.

His Honor the President
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq
Erasmus James Philipps Esq
John Handfield Esq
Edward Amhurst Esq

     Being met according to adjournment to consider the motion made on Monday last by the Petitioners as appears by that day's Minute there was presented to the Board another Petition from the aforesaid Petitioners submissively confessing their fault and praying that in case they may not be permitted to winter at Tibogue, where they have only built some cabins to protect them from the inclemencies of the weather, that it may be permitted them to winter in some other place proper for fishing and fowling having no other means or visible manner to support their own numerous families their intenton being to remove and withdraw themselves upon the first notice or order given them from this His Majesty's Government as upon file – which said Petition being considered and the Board being acquainted with their poverty and miserable circumstances, were of opinion, that the said Petitioners might be permitted to winter at Tibogue but should


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