Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  28 Nova Scotia Archives.  

Majesty from the judgment of the Council on that affai'r as per Minute ofthe 22nd March last, the same might be entered.
Signed P. Mascarene

May the 8th [1740] Mett According to Adjournment The same Members present.

There was Presented to the Board The Accot of the King's Annuall Rents and Other Dues at Mines and the Places Adjoining Received for Six Years by Mr. Alexander Bourg Collector Thereof at Mines for their Consideration as also a General Discharge Signed by the late Lt Governour Armstrong With a Reserve in Case of Errors That may be found.
Signed P Mascarene

     Annapolis Royal May the 12th 1740 Being mett According toAdjournment on the 8th Instant The same Members present.

     Then was read a Scrall Proclamation In Regard to the Inhabitants Presuming to Possess Themselves of Lands of Their own Accord in this Province Without The Consent of This Government, Which being Considered it was Approved of and Agreed to be Published. And then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 13th instant.

     Tuesday 13th May 1740 Being met according to adjou'rnment and the same Members present.

     His Honor the President having received a packet from His Grace the Duke of Newcastle one of His Majesty's principle Secretaries of State, containing His Majesty's declaration of war against the King of Spain which being read it was advised that a letter should be writ thereupon to the Honble Alexr Cosby Esq, Lieut Governor. of His Majesty's Garrison and Commander of the Troops here, to proclaim the war against the King of Spain and his subjects tomorrow the 14th instant between the hours of ten and twelve in the morning, which was writ and sent accordingly.

     Then was also read an order from the Right Honble the Lords of His Majesty's Privy Council dated at the Council Chambers Whitehall 26th November 1739 in relation to letters of mark and reprizals the postage of both packets amounting to £ 11-16-3 New England money.
Signed P. Mascarene

At a Council held by order of the Honble Paul Mascarene President of His Majesty's Council at the house of William Skene Esq in the Lower Town of Annapolis Royal on Tuesday the first of July 1740 at ten O'clock A. M.


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