Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  22 Nova Scotia Archives.  

Which being taken into Consideration, it was Voted and Agreed that the Question Should be Put, Whether the Estate and Effects of the Late Lieut Governour Lawrence Armstrong Deceas'd Remaining After his funeral Charges and Quarters are Cleared should be Attached in the hands of his Executors Lieut John Handfield and Lieut Edward Amhurst for the Space of Eighteen months Or till his Majestys Pleasure be Signifyed To the Board, for the Security of the Quit Rents and his Majestys Other Dues ariseing in this Province and by him Received Dureing his Life time; It was Agreed to in the Affirmative nomine Contradicente And that this Attachment should Be Construed as any Impediment to the Executors in Disposing of the said Effects to the Best Advantage They only being Accountable for the Produce Thereof.

     Noted and Agreed that the Secretary send Summons To the Rent Gatherers of Chiconecto and Mines to Appear Before the Board as soon as the Season will Conveniently Admit to Give Account of what Rents and Other Dues Received from the Inhabitants in Their Several Districts in the Province Dureing the Life time of Governour Armstrong and also that they Bring the Rent Roles Receipts Vouchers and Other Papers anyways Relating to the said Rents &c. and that the Rent Gatherers of This River to be Summon'd to appear Before the Board on Saturday Next at two of The Clock in the Afternoon till which time the Board adjourned.
Copy as of record
Wm. Shirreff, Secty.

At a Council Held by Order of the Honorable President John Adams Esq at his own home in the Lower Town of Annapolis Royal on Saturday the 19th Jan. 1739/40.

His Honor the President
Wm Skene Esq.
Otho Hamilton Esq
Wm. Shirreff Secy
John Slater, Esq

Being mett According to Adjournment, His Honour The President Acquainted the Board That he had Prepared the Attachment Agreed Upon the 14th Instant, which being Read it was Approved of, and Ordered, with the Copy of the minute of the 14th Instant to be sent to Edward Amhurst Esq By the Constable John Hanshold, which being Accordingly Sent the Constable Reported to the Board That he had Delivered it into Mr. Amhurst's Own hands.

Then was Read John Duon's (one of the Rent Gatherers Account which was Ordered to be Entered And is as follows –

Compte des Prentes et Lots et Vente que J ais Recu Pour Ie Roy Scavoir Pour L'annee 1732, et L'Annee 1733


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