Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 21

But Perhaps a Triffle Yet Notwithstanding I think it behoves us to Enquire into the State and Annualle Amount Thereof and how they have been Collected and to what Uses for his Majesty's Service they have Been Apply'd by the Receivers which Undoubtedly Ought from time to time have been Communicated to us for Several Reasons.

     'Tis Very well Known by most all the members This Board how frequently They have been Call'd and Consulted Upon this Affair Before the Inhabitants would Consent to pay These their Seignioriall Rents to his Majesty.

     And that it was by Virtue of The authority of The Board That they were at last Prevail'd Upon to Comply with the Governours Orders and thereby Acknowledge his Brittanic Majesty Our most Gracious King to be their Sole Sovereign and Lord Paramount, Well Knowing That all Affairs Especially of That nature in the Province were by Virtue of his Majesty's Commission under the Great Seal of Great Britain, and the Other Instructions to be Transacted in Council By and with Advice and Consent of the Members Thereof.

     WHICH Opinion and Act of Council haveing taken Effect not only in this River But throw Almost The Whole Province and That as that Affair was Thus at first transacted and Brought to bear in Council By Virtue of The Aforesaid Authority.

     I am therefore of Opinion, as it so much Relates & Effects his Majestys Interest, he haveing Purchased all the former Seigniors Rights, Claims and Pretentions That we Ought in [Justice] to his Majesty and in Honour to Our Selves to make this [Particular] Enquiry and Accordingly to Report the same in the Best [way] we Can, and that as soon as Possible to the Right Honble Walpole Receiver General of his Majestys Revenue in America, As Directed by the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations for farther Instructions and Advice How for the future said Rents and Other his Majestys Dues Arising in this Province shall be Apply'd.

     This Proposed state of These Rents, If it can be made, will not only I hope Be Satisfactory at home but Indemnify our Selves by Removeing and Clearing all Suspicion that we the members of This Board, Ever Sheared or Participated of any Advantage thereby or anywise Consented to the Disposall Thereof, and Even Perhaps Prove a means to move his Most Gracious Majesty to Order that These Rents may be Apply'd Towards Paying the Members of the Council here Whereof Some Of us for these twenty years Past Diligently attended and serv'd for Nothing.

     Upon the whole haveing thus Represented to you my Opinion, I also Recommend it to your Serious Consideration for Your Opinion and Advice how to proceed in the Affair for the Better Securing his Majesty's Interest here 'till his Royal Will and Pleasure be thereon Known.
John Adams


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