Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

  20 Nova Scotia Archives.  

representing that melancholy affair home to the proper Offices with the present state of the Province in order to be laid before His Majesty.

     You all know that upon the decease or absence of the Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province that (by His Majesty's Commission under the Great Seal of Great Britain and his other instructions) the Com- mand of this Province in all others devolves upon the eldest counsellor who is always President which happening at this time to be myself I therefore judged it to be my duty in honor to His Majesty's service and these authori- ties with which he hath been pleased to invest the Council thus to apply myself to you for your assistance.

     Wherefore as these instructions and other public letters are as I under- stand in the possession of his the said deceased executors I put the question whether it is not absolutely necessary that they be delivered up to me in order to be placed in the Secretaries Office that the Members of the Council may have recourse thereunto as occasion requires

     The Board thereupon assured him they would give him all the assist- ance in their power and also were of the opinion that a demand should be made of the public papers and that a letter should be Wrote to the Secretary of State and an other to the Board of Trade and then adjourned till these were prepared.
Sigd John Adams
By order of his honor
the President
By and with the advice
of the Council
Sig'd William Shirreff Secretary

At a Council Held by Order of the Honble John Adams Esq President at his own house in the Lower Town of Annapolis Royal on Monday the 14th Jan 1739/40

Wm Skene Esq.
Otho Hamilton Esq
Wm. Shirreff Secy
John Slater, Esq

     The President Enquiring for Mr. Amhurst and Answer being made That he had been Summon'd. He then sent the Constable to Enquire for him, Who Brought word that he was so afflicted with the Gout that he could not Attend and Desired to be Excused.

     Then His Honour the President Presented to the Board a paper Con- taining what he had to say to them, which being Ordered to be Read is as follows, vizt.

Since the Last Time we mett in Council, I have frequently Reflected on the subject of His Majesty's Quit Rents In This Province which tho


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