Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

The Records of British Government at Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1736-1749. 19

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To the Honourable Colonel Armstrong Esq. Lieut Governor Commander in Chief in and over His Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia and to the Honour- able Council of the said Province.

The Humble Petition of Andrew Le Mercier of Boston


That Whereas it might be a great service to his Majesty's Subjects who have the Unhappiness to Make Shipwreck upon or near the Isle of Sables; if the said Island was settled and a sufficient stock of cattle kept in it to support the Lives of the Persons who after a Shipwreck may get ashore, And whereas your Humble Petitioners with some Associates has bought a Schooner and has transported thither at several times already horn Cattle swine & sheep with a Considerable Charge and has built a house and maintain now upon the said Island several men to look after their stock. Your Petitioner in his own behalf and in the behalf of his associates Prays your Honour and the Honourable Council to give them leave to settle the Isle of Sables and to forbid any of His Majestys Subjects within your Govern- ment to Disturb the said settlement by killing their Cattle or any other way Discouraging their good Intentions and to Secure unto them as much as lyes in your power the Property of said Island, Cattle, &c. as according to your Wisdom and goodness you shall think fit, and your Petitioner shall every pray &c.
Wm. Shirriff, Secty

At a Council held by order of the Honble John Adams Esq President of the Council of this His Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia at his own house in the Lower Town of Annapolis Royal the seventh day of December 1739 at four of the clock in the afternoon.

John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq Edward Amhurst Esq
John Slater Esq

     The President having presented to the Board what he had to say in writing and the same being as follows Gentlemen

     "I am very sorry for the sudden and melancholy death of Governor Armstrong who yesterday departed this Life which is the reason at this time of my convening you to consult upon such proper methods to be taken for the Government of this Province and to have your advice in representing


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