Nova Scotia Archives

Halifax and Its People / 1749-1999

"Clayton & Sons, Halifax, N.S. – Work Room, about 1900"

Clayton and Sons, wholesale manufacturers of men's, youths' and boys' clothing, was established on Argyle Street in 1869. They manufactured 'A.P.H.' brand pants, 'Ladder' overalls and the 'Enn Ess' clothing label – all products of national reputation at that time. The business moved to Jacob Street in 1875 and a brick building was completed several years later. Another large brick building, fronting Jacob and Barrington, was completed about 1890; and a four-storey brick annex facing Poplar Grove was added about 1897. The three buildings were connected with passageways. The promotional booklet, Clayton and Sons, Halifax, Nova Scotia: Thirtieth Anniversary 1869-1900, includes an illustration similar to this, with the accompanying caption, "Work Room No.1". The booklet noted that this large, well-ventilated room could accommodate 350 employees:

In this room are four long tables each containing from 25 to 30 of the most up to date machines, many of them made specially for carrying out certain details of boys' and men's ready to wear clothing. All the making up is done in sections and nearly every worker is an expert in his or her special line. This room, as throughout the whole building is kept at an even temperature with hot water heating. Three motors supply electricity for motive power. The electric current is used for lighting the building and also for heating in the Electric Pressing Irons.

Date: ca. 1900

Reference: Jean Holder Nova Scotia Archives 1980-195 no. 24  / negative: N-0172

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