Nova Scotia Archives

Government Administrative Histories

Nova Scotia. Review Officer under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Other forms of name:
Nova Scotia. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Review Office

The Review Officer under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP) was appointed in 1994 to review, on request, decisions by heads of public bodies whether to disclose, in whole or in part, access to government information applied for under FOIPOP, and to recommend whether such decisions be upheld, varied or reversed. In 1999 the Review Officer became a full-time civil servant, independent of the Cabinet and reporting annually to the legislature. The Review Officer is not an information and privacy commissioner with appeal or order powers, but a commissioner for investigations into decisions on FOIPOP requests, when asked to investigate by the requester or a third party affected. By consent the Review Officer performs the same function under the Municipal Government Act.

Notes: Authority record based on Statutes of Nova Scotia: 1993 c. 5, 1998 c. 18 (Part XX), 1999 (2nd sess.) c. 11.



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