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Nova Scotia Law Reform Advisory Commission
The Law Reform Act of 1969 established the Nova Scotia Law Reform Advisory Commission as a public body to advise the Attorney General on statute law revision. At the Attorney General's request the commission reviewed particular statutes and recommended revisions, additions or deletions, pointed out new subjects for potential statutory regulation and drafted prospective enactments. The commission also conducted law research projects and investigations both public and private. In 1990 the Law Reform Act was repealed and the Nova Scotia Law Reform Advisory Commission superseded by an independent Law Reform Commission. The objects of the commission are to conduct a continual review of the statute law and recommend the development of new approaches to law-making and concepts of law that serve the changing needs of individuals and society; clarification and simplification of the law; removal of obsolete laws or provisions; improvement of the administration of justice; and review of judicial or administrative-law procedures.
Notes: Authority record based on Statutes of Nova Scotia: 1969 c. 14, 1976 c. 37, 1990 c. 17.
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/government-administrative-histories/authority/?ID=54
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