Nova Scotia Archives

Government Administrative Histories

Nova Scotia. Review Board under the Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment Act

The Board was established in 2005 to hear and consider applications under the Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment Act. Its members are appointed from among psychiatrists who are members pursuant to the Medical Act, one of whom must be a psychiatrist with a specialized knowledge of adolescent psychiatry; lawyers who are barristers pursuant to the Barristers' and Solicitors Act and who express an interest in mental health issues; and other persons who express an interest in mental health issues and preferably are, or have been, consumers of mental health services. The Review Board must review the file of each person who is detained under a declaration of involuntary admission and is deemed to have made an application to the Board. The Board is also responsible for considering the following applications: to review a declaration of involuntary admission or a declaration of renewal; a declaration of competency for involuntary patients pursuant to subsection 58(1) of the Hospitals Act; whether a capable informed consent by a substitute decision-maker has been rendered; a community treatment order or a renewal of a community treatment order; or a certificate of cancellation of leave. The Review Board conducts  its reviews as full closed oral hearings. Members of the Board have the powers and privileges of commissioners appointed under the Public Inquiries Act. The decisions of the Board are binding, excepting that a party may appeal on any question of law from the findings of the Board to the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal.

Notes: Authority record based on Statutes of Nova Scotia: 2005 c. 42.



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