Nova Scotia Archives

Government Administrative Histories

Nova Scotia. Waterfront Development Corporation

In 1973 the Provincial Finance Act was amended to provide for the registration and incorporation of crown corporations under the Companies Act. The Waterfront Development Corporation Limited was established in 1976. Its fundamental purpose was to redevelop and revitalize sections of the waterfronts of Halifax and Dartmouth through carrying out the Halifax-Dartmouth Waterfront Development Project provided for by the Subsidiary Agreement between Canada and Nova Scotia. The corporation holds considerable real estate in both waterfront areas, making sections available for high-quality private development, and providing public amenities such as green belts and pedways. In 2001 the WDC absorbed the former Bedford Waterfront Development Corporation Limited. The corporation's current mandate is property acquisition, management and development within designated areas in Bedford, Dartmouth and Halifax; marketing and promotion designed to stimulate public use of the waterfronts; and coordination and planning of the waterfronts of Bedford, Dartmouth and Halifax, including the stewardship of harbourfront assets owned by the province.

Notes: Authority record based on Statutes of Nova Scotia: 1973 c. 49; Order in Council 76-373 (30 Mar. 1976); John Boileau, Where the Water Meets the Land: The Story of the Halifax Harbour Waterfront (Halifax: Saltscapes 2007), 80 p.



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