note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Report of People of Colour who drew rations in Preston from the 16th. of February to the 22nd. 1815. both days included
Names Men Women Children
Jacob Allen 1 - -
Nel Alexander 1 1 -
Ben Bowers 1 1 1
Friday Bush 1 2 2
George Brown 1 1 4
henry Biskken 1 - -
Isaiah Buttler 1 1 1
Jacob Bush 1 1 3
Luke Bowers 1 1 1
[Mofas] Ball 1 1 2
Abrams Brown 1 1 1
Esaw Bowels 1 1 -
Robart Bush 1 1 2
Luther Blair 1 1 2
Spencer Boyd 1 1 4
William Barrett 1 - -
Richard Bailey 1 1 1
William Brown 1 - -
What Brown 1 1 1
William Bundy 1 2 1
Geo. Balem 1 - -
Henry Becket 1 1 5
James Burton 1 - -
"[illegible]" Collins 1 1 1
James Cooked 1 1 5
Lewis Connex 1 1 2
Jacob Claton 1 1 1
Nat Crawley 1 1 2
Peter Claton 1 1 1
Bray Cooper 3 - 1
Pter Craney 1 - -
Septimus Clarke 1 1 4
Solomon Crawley 1 1 2
Thomas Cartie 1 1 1
Daniel Claton 1 1 1
Carried Over 37 29 52
Names Men Women Children
Brought forward 37 29 52
Colonel Cooper 1 - -
Joseph Cox 1 1 2
Henry Clarke 1 1 -
Joe Cooper 1 1 1
Silvy Claton - 1 -
[Junior] Cotts 1 - -
Thomas Dine 1 1 2
James Dawson 1 1 2
[Meshah] Delawar 1 1 -
Daniel Driger 1 1 1
Charles Dunsmore 1 2 2
William Dear 1 1 -
Peter Duncan 1 1 2
Peter Duncan 2nd 1 - -
"[illegible]" Elson 1 1 -
Peter Emerson 1 1 -
Samuel Evens 1 2 -
Robert Flood 1 1 -
William Fisher 1 - -
Isaac Fletcher son 1 - 3
Isaac Fletcher jun 1 - -
Jn Floyd 1 2 2
Jerry Gardner 1 1 5
Richard Grant 1 1 5
Daniel Fross 1 2 3
Solomon Gundy 1 1 3
George Givson 1 - -
[Ins?] Gardner 1 1 3
Henry Gross 1 2 5
Richard Gross 1 1 -
William Greens 1 - -
Joseph Glasge 1 1 -
John Gregory 1 - -
Carried over 70 58 93
Reference: Commissioner of Public Records collection Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 422 number 86
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