Nova Scotia Archives

African Nova Scotian Diaspora

Accounts against Government for Black Refugees up to 26 December 1816, with the following suppliers: Seth Coleman, Theophilus Chamberlain, John H. Noonan, J. Howe and Son, George Eaton, Thomas Johnson, Henry Maxner, Sergeant William Beebey, Sergeant W. Cooper, William Strath, Timothy Crain, John Skerry, Lieutenant Keith, Richard Inglis, Winkworth Allan and Company, William Swan, Henry H. Cogswell, William Morris, J. Mackesy, William Philips, and WB. Almon
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Halifax Nova Scotia
Government By Order His Excellency
the Earl of Dalhousie G C B (illegible)
To Sergeant Beebey (sp) and a Party
of the 62! Reg. Employees at Sackville Dr

1817 Currancy
31i January(?), To allowance for ajsisting (sp)
at the landing and Issuing
of Provisions at Sackville
for the use of the American
Refugee Negroes located
on Lands at Hammonds { 6 18 0
Plains, from the 27th.
January to this date /38.
Days at the rate of /(?) per day, _____________________
(symbol for pounds) 6.180
Received Payment of Thomas J, Jeffery Ettges (sp)
Collection of His Majestys Customs at this
Witness Wm Beebey
J. Mackesy (?) Srgt 62 Regt

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records collection Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 421 number 84

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